I had to gather my thoughts before writing. Several days ago, the world woke up to see again the injustice we as Black people face on a daily basis. Our Voice- The Magazine wants to first send our condolences to Sonya Massey's family and friends. Sonya Massey was gunned down like an animal in her own home by an SPD (Sangamon, Illinois). She called 911 for assistance from law enforcement because she thought there were an intruder in her home.
Two (2) deputies were dispatched to her home and one of the deputies were former Deputy Sean Grayson. Before Grayson knocked on the door, he walked the grounds of Ms. Massey's property to no avail he saw anyone. He then knocks on her door couple of times to where she answered. Innocent as she had seemed a little startled by their presence. The other officer walked a few steps around the house while Grayson is still at the front door. Ms. Massey walks in her home and Grayson invites himself in. Again, this woman is a little shaken up and a little confused on why Grayson would ask for Identification. A show of abuse of power.
By this time, the other deputy has made his way in Ms. Massey's home. Ms. Massey had a boil of hot water on the stove where Grayson observed the pot of boiling water and tells Ms. Massey to attend to it. She innocently gets up from sitting in her living room to walk in the kitchen and take the pot to the sink. Both Deputies are in the living room. We are not quite sure why Ms. Massey rebuked the deputy in the name of Jesus. Yes, we do know.... She felt a bad spirit in her home, and that bad spirit said to her quote "I will shoot you in the F*@king face!
Ms. Massey then apologizes when she had no reason to, but then Former Deputy Grayson deliberately and intentionally disregards her apology and shoots her three (3) times one hitting her right beneath her left eye. You piece of shit! You shoot an innocent woman in cold blood. I really and truly want to express myself, but I have to keep it professional. Ok, enough of that.
Know.... Let's talk about "Mental Health in Our Black community
Looking at this unfortune incident, the family is saying Ms. Sonya Massey suffered from paranoid schizophrenia. Her calling 911 on her thinking someone was in her home caused her to look for help. Please, we as a community really need to have deep conversations about this topic. Why is this topic so "Taboo" in our community? I just wrote a piece on mental health in our community several days ago, and this happens!! Please, we need to address this elephant in the room!
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